Sunday, July 5, 2009

Coolidge Park and Lake Winnie

Isaac chillin in his stroller the night we went to see Fire Works at Lake Winnie Ben trying to make sure that Timothy doesn't fall over the edge into the Lake while trying to take a quick picture for the Fourth of July.
Hillary and Timothy crawling around the fountains at Coolidge Park.
Timothy, Hillary, and Isaac sitting in the fountain to cool off from the hot day.
Timothy and Hillary playing on the Lion.


Hal and Kristel Shields said...

OMGosh Becky,
Isaac is getting so big! WOW I am so shocked! He is so beautiful!!

Bryan and Amanda Russ said...

I agree with Kristel, I can't get over how huge Isaac is and sooo have such gorgeous kids!!! The one of you and Ben looks great, we could hardly see him in the other pictures. The kids look like they are having a blast, too busy to stop.

Love you, we need to talk sometime.