Hillary decided that she would use her time wisely and make Darren's hair beautiful. Darren was not to enthused about the idea although he let her do it anyways to keep her occupied.
Isaac is doing great. He is a champ at nursing, and already a wonderful sleeper. I literally have to wake him up to eat. Although most of his pictures you couldn't tell that because of how alert he is. Here are some really cute pics of him on his second day in this world. I thought these pics of Darren dressing him for the first time were priceless because it looked as if he thought he was going to break him and the nurses were in there with helping hands showing him how. The picture of Devin with Isaac was the first time Devin actually got to see him.
Hillary needed some time with just Mom, and then wanted some time with just her "New Brother." She is having a hard time adjusting to the idea of it not being just her anymore but is loving being a "Big Sister!"
We had some visitors come in through out the first day. Started off with Amber Lynch dropping by, then Brother and Sister Vanderslice who brought me some beautiful roses and a gorgeous keepsake collection for the baby, then the Sister missionaries of the Ward came with Rachael Crook. He was admired by all. The Vanderslice's were so sweet and gave some personal time with Hillary as well.
He was very good about letting Mom dress him though after he got done with his bath. He was ready to be bundles up and get warm. He is absolutely beautiful and very alert.
Mom gave him his very first bath, just like she did with Hillary. He kept trying to hold his head up on his own before she started. You can tell by his facial expressions that he was not to sure about all that.
Isaac Mitchell Blair was brought into this world on October 28, 2008 at 1:08 pm weighing 7 pounds and 5 ounces, and was 20 inches long. He did have some problems starting out and was taken to the special care nursery but recovered soon after and was brought back to the room for the remaining time at the hospital. He is absolutely beautiful and looks just like Darren.
Hillary dressed up as Ariel for the Trunk or Treat at the Ward and Darren and Devin took her and left Mom at the hospital with me. She absolutely loved that we put red colored hair spray in her hair although it was a pain to get it washed out. It was pink for the next two days. But that was OK since I was planning on putting it in her again for Halloween Friday night. She enjoyed it once she started getting candy but she was cold, and she got her red hair spray on her face (as you can see in the top picture).
Hillary technically did not go to school this day because she wanted to stay at the hospital with her "New Brother" but she still wanted to dress up so we let her and took some cute pics. She loves her "Dora Socks!"
Tuesday was Farmer's Day for Hillary's school, so she got to wear her flannel shirt and blue jeans. Rickey actually took two of these pics and sent them to me in the morning because he was the one who actually took her to school and got her ready since I was at the hospital having Isaac. The other ones we took at the hospital once Mom had gone and picked her up (hence the "I am the Big Sister" sticker).
I am a proud mother of three beautiful children, a 5 year old young man named Timothy, a little princess that is 5 years old named Hillary, and a 19 month old baby boy named Isaac. I have a wonderful husband that treats me like a queen, named Ben. I have lived in Georgia all my life and my family is planning on staying here.